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Here you will find all the details of the preliminary programme of the 7th Central European Biomass Conference CEBC2023. Subjects are due to change until the release of the printed programme.









Other Programmhighlights:

Pre-conference-excursion: Waste2Value - Wien Simmering incl. transfer to Graz

1st European Pellet Forum

DOWNLOAD PROGRAMME of "Highlights of Bioenergy Research 2020"

DOWNLOADLINK "Winter meeting of the Ökosoziales Forum"




We congratulate the nominated scientists and we are looking forward to a most interesting, multifaceted 7th Central European Biomass Conference CEBC2023! 



Tuesday, 17.01.2023

Pre-conference-excursion: Waste2Value - Wien Simmering incl. transfer to Graz; Cost EUR 100,-

Wednesday, 18.01.2023

1st European Pellet Forum

Conference Day 1 - Workshops and BEST Day

Excursion I - Biomass-CHP

Excursion II - Efficient district heating plants

Excursion III - Future of Biogas and Green Gas

Thursday, 19.01.2023

Conference Day 2 without Conference dinner

Conference dinner at the Old University

Friday, 20.01.2023

Conference Day 3

Winter meeting of the Ökosoziales Forum

Calendar Export event as appointment


pdf-document Programm (20.81 MB)